Although some articles about collapsology and survival game demo will be available before that, official launch is foreseen for the end of Summer 2019, namely September.
This period will enable me to produce quality content, rich in information and arguments : some articles - critical sometimes - about different angles of collapsologie (theory that predict the systemic collapse of our civilization) will provide some perspectives and insights potentially relevant for anybody interested by these subjects. Website's blog part may as well contain articles about survivalism and its practical facets (not only equipment, because sometimes buying gears is more about resting assured and feed consumer society), that can be usefully put into practice during hiking in autonomy (for instance), through tips and minimal technical materials to trip safely and lightly !
The few months that remain before launch will let the wanderer of this website to get a survival game (at least a demo) fun and dynamic, pretty realistic but with a touch of originality, and without bugs (as far as possible).

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